Clarion Accessories
Adding Online Replication
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CapeSoft Replicate
Adding Online Replication

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16. Adding Online (or live) Replication to your application (still coming)

You need to make changes to both your LogManager and your Log-enabled applications.

First let's deal with your dictionary. You need to make sure that the necessary fields are added to your SiteFile. Note: this is only necessary if you used a Bulk Dictionary Editor prior to version 1.61 to convert your dictionary.

  1. Open your dictionary in the dictionary editor, and double-click on the SiteFile table.
  2. Add 2 fields:
    OnlineServer                string(80)
    OnlinePort                   ushort
  3. You can save and close the dictionary.

Then let's deal with your log-enabled applications. If this is a multi-DLL, then make the following changes to your DataDLL:

  1. In the Replicate Global Extension template, go to the Site tab and check the Allow for Online Transport checkbox.
  2. Then change to the SiteFile tab and make sure that the Online Server and Online Port fields are entered (as you created them in your dictionary just now).
  3. If you have not added the NetTalk Global Extension (Activate_NetTalk) then do so now.
  4. Click OK a couple of times and return to the application window.
  5. In your application window, use the ImportReplicateOnlineWindow template utility to import the window required for this application. You will notice that this adds a window procedure: OnlineClientWindow. If this is a multi-DLL, then you will need to Export this procedure.
OK - now open your main EXE (if this is not already open) (If this is not a frame based application, then we'll need to deal with this slightly differently):
  1. Go to your frame procedure and double-click on it.
  2. Click the Extensions button and add the Online Replication extension template to the list of templates.
  3. Set the name of the menu to contain the Online Replication menu items and the name of the OnlineClientWindow (which should be already set to the default).
  4. If you don't want the Online window to auto-open (at startup), then you'll need to check the Don't Automatically start the connection checkbox.